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Grace represents the presence and ability of God in men. It is the unmerited favour of God that unites men with Him. It is very important to give God His exalted place in our lives continuously. Nobody can be lifted beyond his recognition of God’s grace. Humility must cause us to accept the lifting that only the act of grace accomplishes. God feels neglected when men take the glory for things that He accomplished through them. So, we must develop a mentality that honours God in all things. All engraced lives are usually sacrificial, obedient to God’s instructions and live in self-contentment. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of grace that discourages men from lifting up themselves before the Lord and empowers them to achieve the unbelievable. Grace can only be found on the path of submission and obedience enabling believers to accomplish extraordinary feats. Understanding that all that we have comes from God including our lives helps us to conquer pride. Grace is an economy of God that connects men to very rich destinies and doesn’t allow their achievements to influence their position in God. Grace produces light with which men see.

However, our individual relationship with God is established on obedience. Disobedience is a sin that men commit directly against God; an opposition to His will that attracts the penalty of death. Insulting God introduces men to endless pain and causes created order to be their enemy. The grief of disobedience is like a bottomless pit that has no end. Making God number one in our lives will beautifully engrace us to walk in obedience and submission to His commands. The limitless power of God’s grace prepares the humble for the top through continuous submission. Grace multiplies in death. Men have to lose their lives to share place with God. Through the act of submission, men enjoy the labour of others. Submitting to God is enthroning Him. Our terrestrial nature puts on the celestial nature of God at place of submission.

Again, one of the terrible things a man can do to himself is to lift up his heart against God. Pride questions the sovereignty of God and it is an unforgiveable sin before God. It is possible for pride to grow in people unconsciously because of its subtle nature. This is why it is precarious for those who are not wounded to be found in God’s presence. The Spirit of vision doesn’t allow men to touch the glory of God as it keeps reminding them about the help of God. The portion of the proud is kept for the meek. God will not continue to bless those He can’t control.

Besides, God’s grace commands men to keep vital relationships. There will always be blessings that God kept for us in other people. The top is for the humble. There should be a time to ignore our privileges and stoop low that we might conquer. Although Jesus was preferred to John the Baptist, He attended his baptism. The test of humility can’t stop coming to those who have a great future. Attending John’s baptism made Jesus flawless. The next level of your life is waiting for your submission and obedience to the chosen channel of your blessings.

It is the workings of grace that inspire us to relate reverentially with the anointed. It is imperative to know that God doesn’t separate Himself from the anointed as He hides in them to bless men. The light of revelation is where God stores grace. So, the part of every man that is inspired to access the invisible is owned by the Spirit of grace. Anyone who has the limitless power of grace can accomplish all things. The value of every man is determined by the measure of grace at work in him. The miracle power of God is a product of His revelation.

Conclusively, God hides the lives of men in their secrets. Although we are expected to pay to access God’s secrets, they are only meant for those they have been kept for from the foundation of the world. Revelation is the golden part of God that established both His person and the eternal kingdom. Also, revelation is far more important than abstinence. God gives the gifts of grace to men in diverse measures to accomplish diverse purposes. The limitless power of God’s grace connects us to the people we need. No matter how blessed you are, you need another man. It is the Spirit of grace that inspires us to know our place in godly associations because in every relationship, there is a yardstick and a pattern. If we avoid those that God must depend on to bless us, He will be compelled to ignore us. Tolerance and being patient with ill-mannered team members is of great necessity. In a great man’s house are diverse vessels. The measure of grace at work in us determines how large what we control for God will be.

The power of limitless grace is given to all to achieve enviable destinies. God will release the Spirit of grace upon you as you peruse through the pages of this revelational book.


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