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The millennial temple is a mystery waiting to be revealed. It is also a revelation that has the everlasting life of the Almighty God. A house not made with human hands shall God build in these last days to tabernacle. The millennial temple is a sacred precarious house that is shrouded in everlasting brightness waiting to be unveiled and built. The truth about this temple frightens people that is why its revelation is encapsulated in ambiguity that protects it.

Writing this eschatological book was inspired by the urgent need to build the temple. The destiny of this millennium can’t be forged without the building of the millennial temple. This temple is not a temple of the Law as many think. The millennial temple is a messianic temple which is meant to house the ark of the last testament. This temple is the tabernacle of God in the midst of men. The location of this temple is not as important as the purpose and the manifestation of those that God must depend on to build it. Except God builds a man, building the millennial temple will remain a dream. Those who are interested in the building of this Lion’s temple are expected to do the first things first. The Jews are spiritually blind that is why they are focusing on rebuilding the temple of the Law. The guardian angel of the messianic temple has no business with rebuilding of the ancient temple of Solomon. This is the time for new truths. The messianic temple is not meant to serve the purpose of the Law. A blood-soaked Israel will come out of the Church to fulfill the prophecies that were made concerning the end-time. The millennial temple is meant to serve a people made in the ideology of Vengeance. This temple which is meant to serve the purpose of the Jews will not be built except the time of the fullness of the Gentiles is over.

While the Spirit of the Law was the guardian angel of the temple of Solomon, the Spirit of Grace and Truth is the guardian angel of the heavenly temple. The millennial temple which is meant to house the ark of the last testament will be guarded by the Spirit of Vengeance. Understanding the purpose of this temple will help us to have access to the deeper truths about it.

There is no millennium as important as this crowned millennium. God will incarnate Himself in this millennium because of His determination to build the millennial temple. The physical building that so many are interested in is not as important as the man God will incarnate as the Lion of Judah. The prophecy made concerning the building of the messianic temple will not be fulfilled except the royal messiah manifests.

The millennial temple is a sabbatical temple from where God will declare the time of jubilee for the new Israel. This temple is the most valuable building that will ever be built on earth. It is wonderful to talk about this glorious temple that Ezekiel took time to describe in his narrative writings.

The coming of the Lion of Judah is meant to declare this millennium and this makes the millennium a Jewish millennium. There is a remembrance of the diaspora Jews in this millennium. The diaspora Jews have so much to do in the building of the millennial temple. If the millennial temple must be built, the diaspora Jews must identify with their Jewish origin. This millennium is a mysterious time when God is visiting a lot of covenant that was made about Israel and other important nations of the world. I am part of the diaspora Jews that must be used to build the messianic temple. The insight I have to write this book attests to my Jewish origin. Those who identify with the important projects of God in any season will wear the crown of the season. This book is a gift of God to all who are meant to be part of fulfilling the prophecy of building the millennial temple. Make it a must read.

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