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Because the earth is controlled from heaven, gods rule men from the spiritual firmaments. Both God and Satan depend on what men provide for them to build spiritual firmaments. Men are like any fallen god they worship. God is sorely vexed with fallen gods and is hell-bent on destroying them in this sacred millennium. The kingdoms of this world will not become the kingdoms of God and His Christ as long as fallen gods are in charge of the heavens of men. God will raise a Gideon army who will throw down the altars raised for fallen gods in our communities and nations. Every man on earth is expected to live from the heaven of his god. God relates with men through gods that is why He is the God of gods.

The sacrifice that gods make to build spiritual firmaments is why they are protected. The spiritual firmament of every god is his stronghold. The god of every people is like the people because he was produced from them. The strength of every god is measured in the brightness of his firmament. Men produce gods that look like them. The god of every people determines their destinies. It is risky for a man to fight with a fallen god. The process that established god in the spiritual firmament is stronger than the ignorant efforts of blind men. The power that established fallen gods in the firmaments is what protects them. The greatest value on earth is in what men can produce from who they are.

The transformation that produces gods from men is far more useful than the prayer of naked men. It is the sacrifice that builds the spiritual firmaments that preserves gods. The strength that gods generate from their sacrifices is what empowers them to rule over men. Satan strategically takes the lives of men through the witchcraft activities of fallen gods before they are born. He destroys the destinies of men after taking their lives. The lives of all who are in the grave were stolen. Children in the wombs of women are corrupted when fallen gods take over the spiritual heavens of men. Satan knows the power of vision that is why he encourages visionlessness. Fallen gods blind the eyes of understanding of men before they kill them. Because the eyes of men connect them to their destinies, those who are spiritually blind can’t be in charge of their lives. When people meet us, they also meet what we are looking at. We need to be mindful of where we are looking at.

Satan will find it impossible to steal our lives and destinies if we are mindful of where we are looking at. All fallen gods are blind gods. It is not possible to avoid spiritual blindness when fallen gods are in charge of our heavens. People are meant to see with the eyes of their gods. Fallen gods blind men to keep them powerless. All blind gods are powerless gods. Having Jesus in our hearts is different from having Him in our heavens. We need to take spiritual warfare to the firmament so that fallen gods can be dethroned. It is not possible for those who are spiritually blind to be part of any rich destiny.

All fallen gods are naked and unclothed. Nakedness prepares fallen gods for death. Because God forges the destinies of men through what they wear, it is not possible for someone who is naked and vulnerable to share destiny with Him. Those who are spiritually naked are disconnected from a meaningful future. Everything that is evil, wrong and shameful is associated with spiritual nakedness. There is no dominion for the naked.

Satan exercises the dominion of his covering. It is wrong to despise an anointed cherub that knows the importance of covering. We must not allow Satan to make us naked. The capital assignment of Satan is to strip men of their spiritual clothes so that he could subject them to perpetual bondage.

All fallen gods are dead. The worst thing that can happen to any man on earth is for the man to hand his precious life and destiny to a dead god. Heaven is a firmament of destinies. Nobody goes to the grave with his eyes open. If the destiny of this enlightened millennium must be fulfilled, fallen gods must be dethroned from our spiritual firmaments. This is the time of intensive spiritual warfare but battles against fallen gods are reserved to God-men. God produced a god from Moses before He sent him to Pharaoh. It is from the realm of Christ that the man Jesus spoiled principalities and powers.

This book is a bosom friend of God that is mobilizing all God-loving believers to join hands with God to cleanse their spiritual heavens of the nefarious activities of fallen gods. Make it a must read.

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