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The last age is encapsulated in mysteries waiting to be revealed. The destiny of this age is in the hand of the High Priest who is meant to introduce it. This age will remain lost if it is not introduced by its High Priest. God raises a high priest from among a people to offer gifts and sacrifices on behalf of the people. What God will accomplish in any age cannot be separated from the life and encounters of the high priest of the age. This particular age awaits an anointed High Priest who should introduce it. It is what the High Priest of the last age provides for God that He must depend on to introduce the age. The will and availability of a high priest will always control what God will achieve in any age. This age is lost in itself waiting to be discovered and harvested. The destiny of an age can only be forged by what the age provides for God. Whatever an age provides for God needs to be revealed by the high Priest. When it was necessary to declare the age of the Law, God raised Moses to introduce it. Through the ideology of the Law, God depended on Moses to raise the orthodox Jews. It was Moses’ oneness with the incarnate Spirit of the Law that made him a god.

A high priest is an ideological tabernacle of God in the midst of a known people. When Jesus Christ came to the earth, He raised the Church through the ideology of Grace and Truth. God preserves the life of a people through His ideology. An ideology is a body of ideas that represent a particular person, group or culture. It is an idea that forms the basis for a political or economic theory. If the dispensation of grace needs the Lamb of God to be declared, the age of Vengeance can’t be declared except God incarnates Himself as a High Priest.

God’s people in any age are the people of the high priest of that age. A high priest is a covenant negotiator between God and His people. God forms the people of any age from what the high priest of that age provides for Him. The relationship between God and any people is established through the sacrifices and gifts of the high priest. The high priest of every people wears the face of their God. We are all meant to serve the God of a high priest introduces to us. The God that a high priest introduces to us can’t be separated from the high priest. The mysteries of this age are waiting for the High Priest of this age to unveil them. It is the unveiling of the mysteries of the age that gives the high priest the privilege of arbitration.

This complicated age can only be declared when mysteries finish and it will take God incarnating Himself for mysteries to finish. The Lion of Judah is the ideological tabernacle of God in the midst of the third people. An age of immortality needs to be introduced by the Father of light in whom there is no variableness nor shadow of turning. When men pay for the destiny of God, it becomes their destiny. Every rich destiny that belongs to God is sustained on earth by the price that men pay to establish it.

In this last age, God will raise a High Priest to make the people of the age. The capital assignment of this High Priest is to raise a peculiar people that will share in the destiny of the Lion. The ideological gap where the Lion of Judah is expected to make intercession from is a place of power and destiny.
This book is written to bring you into the destiny of this age. Make it a must read.

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