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Heavenly pots are strictly designed for storing of prayers of saints. God keeps record of the length and quality of prayers as He uses its fire to run the earth affairs. God solves problems of people from the fire contents of their heavenly pots. This exonerates God from accusations of lazy and nonchalant believers. We cannot choose the size of our spirits, heavenly pots and prayer strength. The determining factor of size of pot and nature of oil is purpose. So any time we pray in accordance with purpose, we save our lives and establish our destinies. Vision inspires fervency in men. God will never take responsibility for the glory of men. Therefore, crowns men must wear on earth must be made in heaven. Each time prayers are made towards achieving the purpose of God on earth, it attracts the incense of God. When men make prayers that are purpose-oriented and definite, God brings incense of support and power to improve its efficiency and effectiveness. When vision becomes clear, God attaches a visionary angel to mix our prayers with incense. All who keep fire in their altars can’t lose battle. Money cannot buy fire. The legacy of God on earth is established through burning people.

Consequently, God answers the prayers of men from their provision. We are expected to exercise kingdom authority from the pot of our oil. So God cannot accomplish miracle that we didn’t fetch oil for. It is the prayer efforts that produced gods from men that controls the acts of elements. The heavenly pot has limitless power and through this pot, the will of God is done on earth as it is done in heaven. The efficacy of the prayer oil stored in heavenly pots makes it indestructible. It also has eternal relevance as it is an expression of our divinity.

This heavenly pots are customized by God to save us the grief of offering purposeless prayers. So it exists in the spirits of men representing their individual values before God. God cares about our prayer motivation in fetching purposeful oil for the specific problem of a known people. Understanding that this is African millennium, the Lion of Judah is calling on Africans to take responsibility for all that the world is waiting for in this season.

Furthermore, there is a visionary angel with a golden censer that is part of government of heaven; this angel is a covenant partner of hard working saints. God depends on the golden censer in the hand of this angel to empower saints. The relevance of angels before God is in their services. So, angels depend on the prayer support of saints to accomplish the will of God on earth. We should endeavor to discover the face of our angel. The angel with the golden censer is given by God to improve and sustain our lives. Praying earnestly and fervently generates much oil into the heavenly vials. Vision must take a man’s life before certain prayer passion and fervency can be achieved. Jesus went that deep in travail at Gethsemane because that was the only reason for His life. If the dominion of God must be achieved on earth, we need to be fervent in prayer. The prayers of saints attract special attention from God because of their birthplace in Christ. Being baptized into the Son ship of Jesus Christ is the greatest privilege of all saints. When the heavenly pot is filled with prayers, God puts it on saints as a crown of oil. The size and value of crowns are measured in the quality and quantity of oil in the pot.

Lastly, it is possible to fill our golden vial to overflow. It will make us divine and invincible. The oil in our heavenly pots unites us with the second person of our thought to accomplish vision. Battles of destinies are won when our heavenly pots are filled with oil of fire. Golden vials are components of the heavenly throne where the Lion of Judah is bleeding. Thrones are sustained by the altars that raised them. Whatever is not tested by fire can’t survive around thrones. Every believer is equipped with a priestly grace that must empower him to produce a crown. God will always depend on the efforts of men for whatever He will accomplish on earth.


Encapsulated in the pages of this insightful book are truths that will bless you greatly.

Make it a must read.

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