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The strength of God’s word is in its incorruptibility. The word of God is God. God shares His life with us by talking to us. God’s word has prevailing power. The immortality of God’s life and His eternal kingship are established on His oneness with His word. Before God gave birth to Christ, He took the nature of the eternal word. While the eternalness of God’s word is in relation to spirits, its incorruption is in relation to man. To achieve immortality through fellowshipping with the incorruptible word of God is the greatest thing that can happen to any man. Whatever is incorruptible enjoys limitless power because the legacy of God is preserved through the incorruptibility of His word. To keep death away from men, they must feed continuously on the living word of God. The word of God is the best gift of God to man. It was being one with the word of God that made it possible for Jesus to become one with God.

Moreover, God depends on His word which endures forever to exercise dominion in all realms. This is why heaven rules the earth. To be incorruptible is to be enthroned. Eternal life in the spirit is a gift of God, but to be clothed with immortality will involve our personal effort. The transformation that conquered death is part of redemption package.

So God depends on the light of His eternal word to clothe the corruptible with the incorruption. Clothing separates men, give them destinies and makes gods out of them. Jesus became equal with God after He was clothed with Christ. It is the covering of God’s word that exonerates believers from sin and empowers them to overcome evil.

However, the infallible nature of God’s word makes it trustworthy. The celestial glory of God is stored in the infallible word of God. This strengthens God to be in charge of all created works. We must hold tenaciously to the infallible word of God as the only functional tool to deal with satan and come out of any form of pit. There is no limit to what God can achieve through those who are clothed with the light of His infallible word.

Also, the life and integrity of God is tied to the immutability of His nature. The word of God is firm and unchangeable to achieve stability and prevail over time. Our oneness with the word of God is designed to bring us to an awesome realm of God. The strength of God to accomplish all manner of astounding wonders is in the immutability of His word.

The foundation of heaven and earth was laid on the incorruptible word. God’s word enjoys the power of Omnipotence as His presence is sustained through its incorruptibility. This is why the only opportunity that man has to live forever is to be clothed with the incorruptible word of God. Corruption is subdued each time God’s word is spoken. It is a tremendous blessing for God to talk to us.

Again, everything God created took a portion of His incorruptible word, even the image and likeness of God in men is sustained by it. So, fellowshipping with the incorruptible word of God prepares men for rule. The war that the word of God wins in us determines the war we can win for God.

Lastly, through the power of God’s word, incarnate Spirits share power with men. The life of God is multiplied among men by the agency of His word. God’s word is quick and powerful because God speaks from the strength of immortality. God is putting on a new face to declare new eternity on earth. God uses men to create the world in them. Every man’s word is an expression of his thought. The eternalness of God is expressed in His thought. Men prepare for God’s visitation in their lives. God will abide only with those who are circumcised by the fire of His word. Only a totally emancipated man that can represent the ageless God. It is only men whose bodies are not made subject to sickness and death that can build the kingdom of the Lion of Judah on earth.

Perusing through the enlightening pages of this awesome book will empower you to have enduring dominion on earth.


Make it a must read!

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