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Whatever God doesn’t hide is not important to Him. Riches are hidden in secret places to protect the poor and ordinary people. Men must pay price to access things that are hidden. It will be difficult for men to relate well with the values of things they didn’t pay for. The same way God hid Christ in Jesus is how he will hide the Lion of Judah in a chosen man to reveal Himself. The depth of every secret is measured by the inability of men to access it. Nobody can be more valuable than the eyes that connects Him to all that belongs to him. God gave us everything in Jesus. The value of Jesus is absolutely inestimable to human minds. Jesus was the secret place where Christ was hidden to be preserved. Sustaining a rich value is far more important than obtaining it. Men should relate with valuable things through worthiness. God is attracted to things on earth through their values.

Moreover, whosoever that will represent God on earth must be prosperous. The level of our prosperity increasing with the multiplication of the word of God in our lives. Financial prosperity is spiritually determined. God’s prosperity is measured in what He achieved in men. Wealth answers to what we have become. God is protected because He hides Himself. The riches of God are hidden for us. Whatever we want God to give to us is already in us. God’s secret bears the economy of His eternal relevance. The riches of our lives are hidden in the second person of your thought. The value of darkness is in producing light. Darkness is the foundation of light and will always moderate light. The effort we need to separate light from darkness is what must produce gods from men.

Also, darkness is useful because God uses it for storage of values. Light announces darkness because they lie in parenthetical parallelism. The hidden riches of secret places is the treasure of darkness. Darkness provides opportunity for light to emerge. So the value of whatever that is hidden is in what it will take to find it. The things that are important to God are hidden because He wants us to appreciate the effort we are expected to make to have them.

Furthermore, God places value on the riches of men’s transformation. We can’t esteem our financial success above our spiritual value. Whatever happens to our soul will affect our financial destiny. God hides in the light His word.  Since we are expected to take whatever we desire from ourselves, the first and only place to look at is ourselves. Our lives can’t be more valuable than what is made out of it. Money can’t have independent destiny because it is user friendly. It accomplishes the dream of those who have it. God does not need it. Money is a servant of purpose not master of vision. Money doesn’t have life of its own.

Consequently, God made His dwelling complicated and unapproachable because of His desire to hide Himself. God is not liberal with presence. He prefers to be misunderstood to reveal Himself to unworthy people. Revealing to people secrets that they are not worthy of will always create inequality. It was preposterous for a mere cherub to turn into a god. The over estimation of self that motivated Lucifer to cause revolt in heaven can happen to anybody who is given access to treasure he is not designed to have. It is very important we learn to separate what we can give to people freely and things they must pay for.

Conclusively, prosperity is not merciful. Whatever is hidden must be paid for to be revealed. Each time you access whatever is hidden it means you lost something to receive what you gained. The secret of some people’s wealth and glory have not been revealed because they refuse to pay. Great seed is what God gives to us, developing it into qualitative value is what we owe God. God will never commit the destiny of the earth to money. If your value is higher than money like Joseph, honor and money will naturally come to you. Everyone that wants to rise should know his grace. The value of the New Jerusalem commands kings to bring their glory into it.   People must pay to access hidden treasures and power. God is despised when cajoled to bless people who are not worthy.

Embedded in the pages of this revelational book are timely truth that will bless you greatly.


Make it a must read!

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